The BEST Uptime Monitoring Service for your Domains
You deserve to sleep better at night
- Many Notification Integrations
- Boost Confidence & Trust
- Take Control of your Infrastructure

Linux Server Integration
Easily integrate with your Linux servers.
Resource Tracking:
✅ CPU Usage Graphs
✅ Disk Access Utilisation
✅ RAM Usage Tracking
✅ Network Utilisation Graphs
Alerts: ⚠️CPU, RAM & Disk utilisation Alerts

Status pages
Boost confidence and trust using uptime status pages.
Create beautiful status pages:
🔍 Customise Public Links
🔍 Enable Password Protection
🔍 Pages are SEO Ready
🔍 Customise Logos and Branding
Use Cases:
🔥For your own websites
🔥Build for your clients
🔥Easily check health for Internal Teams
Incident Tracking
Never scratch your head again trying to find out when things happened!
Incident History:
⏱️ Start and End time of Events
⏱️ Get full visibilty of response times
⏱️ See HTTP response codes
⏱️ Logging for upto 360 days
More Features:
🚀Reporting and Diagnosing
🚀Finding Fault Correlations
🚀Instant alerts via Email, Slack etc

We also host 15 status pages.

Here's what people are saying

“ Proactive monitoring has always been something we've implemented using various tools. AutoPing has exceeded our expectations and now we monitor every client of ours through it! ”

“ AutoPing has been integral in providing live status pages to our clients. As a result we can provide a level of greater transparency to our customers. ”

“ We design and build websites so tracking SSL or DNS changes are key to providing a reliable and proactive experiences for our clients. ”
Select your plan.
Common Answers & FAQs
Get started
Track the uptime of your servers & display their stats on a status page.