The BEST Uptime Monitoring Service for your Domains

You deserve to sleep better at night

  • Many Notification Integrations
  • Boost Confidence & Trust
  • Take Control of your Infrastructure
Track your website status, Server performance and ports availability with ease.
Verify your Cron jobs and make sure they are actually running.
Get alerts on domain name expiration dates and SSL certificate issues.
Get notified when your domain DNS changes.

Linux Server Integration

Easily integrate with your Linux servers.

Resource Tracking:

✅ CPU Usage Graphs
✅ Disk Access Utilisation
✅ RAM Usage Tracking
✅ Network Utilisation Graphs

Alerts: ⚠️CPU, RAM & Disk utilisation Alerts


Status pages

Boost confidence and trust using uptime status pages.

Create beautiful status pages:

🔍 Customise Public Links
🔍 Enable Password Protection
🔍 Pages are SEO Ready
🔍 Customise Logos and Branding

Use Cases:

🔥For your own websites
🔥Build for your clients
🔥Easily check health for Internal Teams


Incident Tracking

Never scratch your head again trying to find out when things happened!

Incident History:

⏱️ Start and End time of Events
⏱️ Get full visibilty of response times
⏱️ See HTTP response codes
⏱️ Logging for upto 360 days

More Features:

🚀Reporting and Diagnosing
🚀Finding Fault Correlations
🚀Instant alerts via Email, Slack etc

So far we have done 23,406,982 checks for a total of 229 monitors.

We also host 15 status pages.
Multiple geo locations can check your website or monitor from locations around the globe.
Speficy HTTP requests
Great for API monitoring. Request method, request body, basic auth & custom request headers.
Customise HTTP responses
Set & expect specific response codes from your monitors.
Get instant Email notifications when your services are not green.
Categorise your monitored resources for Clients or Projects etc
Custom domains
Brand with your own domain or use our free ones.

Here's what people are saying

M. Ibrahim, Broadband9 LTD

Proactive monitoring has always been something we've implemented using various tools. AutoPing has exceeded our expectations and now we monitor every client of ours through it!

Andrew, Infinitel Communications Limited

AutoPing has been integral in providing live status pages to our clients. As a result we can provide a level of greater transparency to our customers.

Saqib, Apex Web Designs Studio

We design and build websites so tracking SSL or DNS changes are key to providing a reliable and proactive experiences for our clients.

Choose the right plan for your monitoring environment.

Select your plan.

Free Forever !
Get started for Free !
2 monitors
0 Ping locations
1 heartbeats
2 domain names
2 DNS monitors
1 server monitors
1 status pages
0 projects
0 custom domains
0 Additional domains
60 days data retention
60 days status pages statistics retention
Multiple notification handlers
Included analytics
QR code builder
Password protection
Removable branding
Custom back-half URL
Block search engine indexing
Custom CSS
Custom JS
Email reports
API access
No Ads
Best for Businesses with Multiple Domains
20 monitors
1 Ping locations
20 heartbeats
20 domain names
20 DNS monitors
20 server monitors
20 status pages
20 projects
2 custom domains
0 Additional domains
180 days data retention
180 days status pages statistics retention
Multiple notification handlers
Included analytics
QR code builder
Password protection
Removable branding
Custom back-half URL
Block search engine indexing
Custom CSS
Custom JS
Email reports
API access
No Ads
Unlimited Forever !
Unlimited monitors
1 Ping locations
Unlimited heartbeats
Unlimited domain names
Unlimited DNS monitors
Unlimited server monitors
Unlimited status pages
Unlimited projects
Unlimited custom domains
0 Additional domains
365 days data retention
365 days status pages statistics retention
Multiple notification handlers
Included analytics
QR code builder
Password protection
Removable branding
Custom back-half URL
Block search engine indexing
Custom CSS
Custom JS
Email reports
API access
No Ads

Common Answers & FAQs

Of course, just ping us a message and we can go through some training :)

Yea - Lifetime means forever. This applies to any platform updates as well as we will include them in the plan.

We believe in flexibility so yes you can cancel Monthly plans any time ! Lifetime Plans cancellation can only be cancelled within 14 days of purchase.

We welcome those who want to spread AutoPings monitoring goodness - We have percentage schemes and allow you to cash out any time !

Get started

Track the uptime of your servers & display their stats on a status page.